Introducing: Pixies World of Whimsy

Bride of Frankenstein Art Doll Gothic wedding

Quirky art doll cake toppers and unique gifts

We are always on the look out for original ideas and artists that bring that extra element to your wedding, so when Lou got in touch about her amazing cake toppers we just knew you’d fall in love. We LOVE the idea that your cake topper or table centrepiece can be kept as a treasured reminder of your day, but even better, is the care and attention to detail that is poured into these pieces. You’re not getting an item off a production line process - you’re getting a piece of art that reflects you and all your wedding ideas, rolled up in the love and craftmanship of a self proclaimed woodland fairy.

We’re going to let Lou chat about her work and process…

Gothic Wedding art doll cake toppers TilDeath

Tell us more about what you do!

I am a doll artist that specialises in making unusual cake toppers and alternative unique gifts.

My art dolls are character based and evolve as I create - they are never copied or duplicated so you can be sure you have an original piece of artwork. I also love creating woodland themed scenes, decorated from things in my garden or fallen in the woodland parks near my home. I like to think that the woodland creatures have donated these things especially for me to use in my creations.

I like to create something beautiful from something that has sadly been discarded and has seen better days, so I always use old plastic toys and second hand supplies as starting points to keep as much waste from going to landfill as possible. If I find an old toy castle for instance, I love to recreate it from a child’s point of view and make it a truly magical home for all the fantasy creatures that live in the forests, adding fairy lights to make them into beautiful lighting for any home. I also take great joy in the tiny details and make all the interiors by hand; beds, chairs, candles - everything!

We are still children in our minds and I love to keep the imagination, fantasy land part of our minds upper most in my designs.

How did you get in to this?

I started creating to improve my mental health. I felted Waldorf fairies and was inspired by a video I saw on monster high repainted dolls and I fell in love with the whole idea of transforming them.

It was hard, really really hard as I’m not a ‘drawer’ naturally, but I love the challenge and will not give up until I’ve mastered it!

5 years down the line, I still don’t feel like I’ve mastered it, but I have developed my own style which I love! My creative process is a release. It allows me to utter profanities on a daily basis as I try to master a particular part of the process! Glue is normally one of the triggers, so much so, my son has now banned me using super glue as he’s sick of unsticking me from something.

What is the process of working with you?

I’m very easy going, relaxed and put no pressure on clients. It’s a two way process:

  • Get in touch through Instagram, email or phone and give me a deadline

  • If I’m available and the timespan works for me we’ll discuss your ideas over the phone so I can get more of a ‘feel’ for the project. Once we are both satisfied with the brief/timescale/quote etc I’ll take a deposit to begin the process. Of course, as this is a bespoke commission usual terms and conditions apply.

  • I’ll begin the customisation with consultations throughout the process with phone calls and progress photos until everyone is happy with the final result.

  • Your product is carefully wrapped, boxed and couriered by the agreed date.

I’m at the end of the phone whenever the client wishes me to be but my work hours are 10-5 Monday to Friday

How soon do people need to book you?

Please get in touch as soon as possible. I usually allocate 4 weeks for a project once the idea is agreed, however this depends entirely on my workload at the time of placing the order, so plenty of advance warning for a deadline is appreciated.

Is there a particular piece that stands out for you?

My proudest achievement is Queenie, my twisted Queen of Hearts cake topper.

She was my turning point. I just had fun making her, and that’s when I found my relaxed, fun style of recreating these dolls. YouTube is full of creators saying don’t do this and don’t do that and in the end I did all the ‘don’t do’s’ and found my groove!

I LOVE the caricatures and fantasy dolls I make as they capture people’s imaginations. It also made me realise there is no ‘wrong’ way in art (and in life), you just gotta find your style, create it, own it and be proud of what you created.

Lou is bringing her wonderful world of whimsy to The TilDeath Gothic Luxe Wedding Fair on the 22nd January at Left Bank Leeds, where she will be showcasing her incredible cake toppers and table centrepieces. She will also have some pieces available for you to buy on the weekend. But, if you want to get in touch to discuss your ideas beforehand we encourage you to click the buttons below, and definitely follow her instagram!


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