It’s not a phase…

And we are here to show that ‘dark weddings’ are not a fashion trend and they’re here to stay.

The idea of TilDeath has been bubbling in the background for years, but it’s taken all those years to get to this point. TilDeath is a collaboration of Legend Bridal, Vicky Dubois Photography and Maddison Rocks Floral. TilDeath is very much a collaboration, but I’m going to chat about the whole creation and ethos from my, Charlotte (Legend Bridal)’s point of view.

As a dyed in the wool Goth, doom laden metal lover and absolute graveyard ghoul, NO wedding related event, show, blog, directory, magazine is dark enough for me. And a depressing number of blogs that do showcase the occasional gothic wedding save it up for October and make it feel very fancy dress party. My aesthetic is very much outside of convention as far as wedding are concerned and not really visible in most media or events.

I could go on a diatribe about the negative looks and rude comments we’ve received with Legend Bridal at events over the years, but you know what? The more we move away from tradition the happier we are, and the happier our couples are - and that’s all that matters!

Over the years we’ve found the wedding suppliers that share our interests and now is the time for us to join together and showcase really what’s possible when you book the suppliers that not only want to do darker weddings, but live and breath the scene, can add extra layers of magic and meaning and create totally authentic weddings with you and the forefront.

black wedding dress legend bridal gothic wedding bouquet dark wedding inspiration alternative wedding photography

Our first dedicated Gothic Luxe Wedding Fair was held in a deconsecrated gothic church in Leeds, Left Bank, with nearly 40 deliciously dark suppliers ready to bring you the blackest, gloomiest, most haunting wedding fair there ever has been! To promote the event we created a gorgeous dark celestial themed shoot with the following suppliers and the results are just breathtaking!

And here is the full promo shoot: what absolute magic!


Unveiling the Enchanting Woodland Witch; Dark Wedding Inspiration


The Dark fairy-tale of York Cemetery.