Dark Wedding Styled Inspiration

A Match Made in Metal
Blog Charlotte Yates Blog Charlotte Yates

A Match Made in Metal

When it comes to choosing your wedding theme, a good choice is something that you both love or onnects you asa couple. And what better choice for those who love their music and gigs, than a heavy metal rock vibe?

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Leap year Proposals are Goth AF
Inspiration, Blog Charlotte Yates Inspiration, Blog Charlotte Yates

Leap year Proposals are Goth AF

Goth culture is deeply rooted in alternative thinking and the defiance of tradition, epitomizing the rejection of societal norms and the embrace of individuality. By challenging tradition, goth culture advocates for the liberation of self-expression and authenticity, transcending the constraints of conformity in favour of a fairer, more real, existence.

So imagine then, hundreds of years ago when women had very few rights and convention dictated that only men could propose, how incredibly punk it was for a woman to break custom to bend the knee!

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